Seven years ago my wife and I were newlyweds living the dream in Southern California. Then we discovered we were expecting. Nothing changes your perspective quicker than the responsibility that comes with having created life.
We quickly decided to move to the Midwest. Southern California may be perfect in many ways, but it wasn’t the right place for us to raise a family. Despite all my travels, the American Heartland was a completely foreign environment to me, but one familiar to Angela, who was raised in it. Which almost brings me to the point of this blog.
The world is entering a precarious time, in which religion is increasingly under attack in the West. Materialism and Secularism have driven this trend for more than a hundred years, but it has rapidly accelerated in recent decades as many conclude that most of the worlds violence and negative tendencies emanate from religion. This is highly debatable, since despotic rulers seeking to eradicate Religion have destroyed far more lives in the last 100 years than those doing so in the name of Religion.
Nonetheless, an emphasis on the material is like a powerful gravity source pulling at the Western mind. This force counteracts the spiritual elements of society that traditionally raised our standards by teaching and instilling virtues into our children, and thus our civilization. We see the effects in all of our institutions today, including business, government, schools and entertainment. What can families do to instill values and foster virtues in their own children, and also extend these into the community and society in general?
We stumbled upon the Global Virtues project through the Baha’i Faith, of which we are members. This marvelous project has enabled us to create The Essential Family Virtues Program – Madison, which we run out of our home. Perhaps the most powerful element of the Virtues Project is independence from any specific Religion or Ideology. All of them claim to aspire to the same high ideals, and the Virtues represent a common language that allows all of them to communicate.
This year we’re focused on Truthfulness, Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage and Service, among others. While teaching virtues together within our own families, we learn from and about each other at the same time. This provides instant feedback on the power of the language of Virtues to transcend any perceived differences and create a community able to overcome the forces of materialism pulling us all towards its vortex.
It initially surprised me how quickly others grasp the value of what we’re doing and express an interest to join us. As we enter our second year we’re finding that lighting our candles together chases away a considerable amount of darkness. Please send an email to if you’d like to discuss lighting a similar candle in your area, wherever you might find yourself. The language of virtues is universal – no translator needed.