I just read a most fascinating article by Nadim Shehadi which answers a question that comes to my Western mind with regard to the Islamic State (ISIS, or ISIL). The article states “Islamic State has been described as a virtual entity, its visibility a product of a sophisticated media strategy designed to make it seem like the fount of all evil.” My immediate reaction to this is “Why?” Why choose a path of such obvious offense? The article answers this, using history and regional legal practice.
But it doesn’t for one second diminish the horror of what is occurring, nor, for those who see beyond and behind today’s headlines, does it do anything to diminish the ominous nature of the gathering global thunderclouds. A global polarization is occurring, one that is so dramatic it threatens to reverse the polarity of the planet, turning everything upside down. At its center is the tiny nation of Israel.
Israel is the primary focal point of an intolerant fundamentalist hatred that has come to permeate much of the Islamic World. Supporters of Israel, such as the United States, are caught in the dragnet. Labels like “The Great Satan” are applied not only for supporting Israel, but also for representing a different civilization, a different way of life. Support for Israel is a topic for other blogs, as is the soulless materialism and hypocrisy of the West, all catalysts of Islamic antipathy. But while two wrongs do not make a right, there are degrees of wrong. Just as there are degrees of, dare I say the word… Evil!
I use Virtues to filter my thoughts now and for this blog I randomly selected Dignity. The card I pulled calls Dignity “a sense of worthiness and respect. It comes from remembering who we truly are and our purpose for being.” Dignity requires us to stand up for what is right and true, for the good of ourselves and those who are behaving in ways that destroy Dignity.
I’ll leave you with the request to read the article that inspired this one and reflect on how an inherent deception, the desire to “establish” legitimacy by covert, and vicious means, is anything but dignified. Millions are impressed, and inflamed with adoration and emulation for an entity that establishes itself by mounting a propaganda campaign that appeals to the most base and destructive urges of friend and foe alike. This is destined to cause irreparable damage.
We’ve seen this movie before. We cannot follow the example of Neville Chamberlain.
We, as a species, must oppose Evil. We, as a species, must find a means to stop it.
Not in reaction. Not in anger. But with Dignity.
Before the havoc it wreaks can grow to unstoppable proportions.
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