Last weekend my wife and I attended a two-day Virtues Workshop conducted by Valerie Hess and Terry Rahn of Virtues Village.
These two ladies are both Master Facilitators in the Virtues Project, a global grass roots effort. I’ve been impressed with how effectively The Virtues Project challenges soulless materialism and secularism. These weeds have sprung forth from the toxic soil of corrupt religion, leaving us modern folks who seek a higher path stuck between a rock and a hard place. You may wish to check out my prior blog on Virtues for more on the challenges facing society. Today I’d like to briefly share what my family is doing to engage with and support the Virtues Project.
The Virtues Project provides what we believe to be the best solution to the conundrum described above. Today’s families need a clear strategy on inoculating against the infections which run rampant in our societies. Not only is it impossible to implement a quarantine, isolationism creates its own problems. The Virtues Project provides not only protection, but a means through which we may safely, and with peace of mind, integrate our families into the broader culture.
Here’s what we’re doing. We’re hosting an Essential Family Virtues Program in our home again this year. The workshop has empowered us to accompany the 10 participating families more effectively. We are also stepping up our focus in other areas of our life on a daily basis.
This morning at breakfast we randomly selected Virtues Cards for each of us in the family. Zoe grabbed Modesty, Caleb Truthfulness, Angela Thankfulness, and I pulled Excellence. Each of us read the affirmation on our card out loud and agreed to help each other apply our our selected virtue today, while acknowledging the benefits we will accrue as individuals and as a family. By nurturing these nascent qualities, we cause the seeds within us to sprout, grow, and bear fruit. We’ve posted these cards on our fridge. Now each time we reach for nutrition for our bodies we’ll also be reminded that we must nurture our souls.
And in each blog going forward, I’ll be incorporating a virtue, to provide the focus of excellence I committed to today. I hope you will join us in the amazing process of planting these high quality seeds into your own soil wherever you live, to start the process of reversing the toxicity that has crept into our local lives.
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