Report from the RIPE Global Conference

Report from the RIPE Global Conference

I’m currently in Chennai, India, where I’m speaking at a series of five “West Meets East” conferences sponsored by RIPE Global, on different themes under the banner of Positive Spiritual Consciousness.

RIPE Global

Here’s what’s happened so far here…

Friday night I spoke to the audience assembled for the inauguration by Governor Konijeti Rosaiah (of the state of Tamil Nadu). In my remarks, I called on the media to practice their sacred duty of detachment by reporting on the news factually and objectively.

After my speech, I was interviewed by local television, and in the morning, a Tamil newspaper reported that the Governor “launched The Hardness of the Heart” (the second book in my trilogy).

Yesterday, I addressed the attendees at an awards ceremony, which included a number of distinguished guests and celebrities. I was able to provide signed copies of The People of the Sign to the three lifetime achievement award winners — all of whom also rose above challenging childhood circumstances, and worked to integrate their spiritual understanding with their material progress.

After the awards ceremony, I was asked to be the honored guest and expert at a taping of the pilot for a new reality show called “We Think, We Act.” The show celebrates the contributions of ordinary individuals in service to their fellow citizens and the betterment of society. In my comments, I commended their work and highlighted how it serves as an example of what Ghandi, the founder of their nation, called them to do. I also discussed how it was a model of local action serving as an example to the global community.

Tomorrow, I will give my lecture to business leaders on “The Human Heart of Business.”

It’s all quite amazing. My days here are too jam-packed to be able go into more detail just yet, but rest assured I’ll be revisiting my wonderful experiences here as soon as I’m able.

photo by / CC By

photo by aivas14 / CC BY-NC

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  1. […] to the state of Tamil Nadu for its Governor’s recent inaugural speech and strong support of the RIPE Global conference, where Fransson gave a series of lectures on “The Heart of Business” in early […]

  2. […] the state of Tamil Nadu for its Governor’s recent inaugural speech and strong support of the RIPE Global conference, where Fransson gave a series of lectures on “The Heart of Business” in early […]

  3. […] to the state of Tamil Nadu for its Governor’s recent inaugural speech and strong support of the RIPE Global conference, where Fransson gave a series of lectures on “The Heart of Business” in early […]

  4. […] to the state of Tamil Nadu for its Governor’s recent inaugural speech and strong support of the RIPE Global conference, where Fransson gave a series of lectures on “The Heart of Business” in early […]

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